
How would you improve Exmouth?


Improving Exmouth

Scroll through the carousel of images below, from the draft Placemaking plan presentation, which illustrate some of the ideas for Exmouth suggested by the consultancy firm WSP.

Illustrated image of Exmouth Seafront. An arts & culture hub at the Foxholes car park to activate Queens Drive offering affordable working and maker spaces. A multi-storey car park to act as a local park and ride/walk, a transport hub that will consolidate on-street car parking from the vicinity and accommodate the cars displaced from Foxholes Car Parking in order to release the land for other uses Widening of the seafront walkway to create a series of green spaces. Pods for commercial seating, recreation, facilities, or other uses that are required along the seafront. Pedestrianised Queens Drive, access for emergency vehicles retained.
Image of the town around the Magnolia Centre area. Text: redesigning the junction to reduce the road space and widen the footways along the active frontage to allow alfresco and spill over activities. Creating a public space along the Tower Street Church as part of the sequence of public spaces to reposition the town centre as a pedestrian friendly place. Redesign the public space along Church Street by extending the public space and introducing greening.
Image of the area of town around the train station. Text: a new leisure centre, GWRSA facility, a theatre, and a multi-storey car park. Consolidating leisure, culture and arrival functions at the Gateway.  A well-designed children’s play area will encourage the use of the space by all age groups and families. Extended station forecourt to create a sense of arrival and a decision making point. A new visitor centre also acting as a placemaking component, an iconic and sculptural design of the centre will become a landmark. A public space providing views across the Estuary and towards the town centre. It will be designed as an iconic and adaptable space that could be transformed into an events space.
Image of Exmouth seafront. Text: Café repurposed and redesigned with improved setting and public realm. Opportunity for redeveloping the Pavilion Site for a sports facility. The new facility could complement the leisure centre. Sequences of green spaces with coastal planting, offering diverse spaces along the seafront for all age groups. Creating a new public space opposite the Pavilion Site that will be seamlessly blended into the revitalised seafront public realm, that promotes recreational activities and walking and cycling. Extending the seafront public realm to create wider public spaces and recreational areas. Sculptural stairs provide access to the beach but also act as seating, offering views across the sea.

To find out more about the potential ideas, proposals and focuses for the town and what it could have for the next 10-15 years...

view the full presentation here:

Placemaking delivery presentation.pdf
Placemaking delivery presentation.pdf

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